Family Therapy
Family therapy with younger children focuses on navigating behavioral issues, family transitions and dynamics, and offers a supportive environment that equips the caregivers with skills and strategies for self regulation and co-regulation with children. Family therapy with older children and adolescents focuses on positive family dynamics, communication, transitions, and role changes as children grow older within the family system. Please consider the following when reaching out to schedule family therapy:
All family members must agree to participate.
Family therapy is aimed at changing the entire system and is not aimed at any one person in the family.
The therapist will never keep secrets from others in the family.
Family therapy can help caregivers to slow down, support children and adolescents in building healthy relationships, and support families to learn to navigate relationships together. Common referrals reasons include:
Caregiver separation or divorce
Difficulties with school or friends at school
Concerns about academics and grades
Diagnosis or concerns for ADHD
Anxiety or specific fears
Experiencing traumatic events
Conflict in relationships with siblings, caregivers, or peers
Placement in foster care or post-adoption stress
Exploration of gender and sexual identity